Hôpital de La Tour Foundation
The Hôpital de La Tour Foundation in Action
The Foundation has existed for many years. It all started back in the late 1960s, before the hospital was even built, when it became apparent that a hospital was needed on the outskirts of Geneva. At that time, residents living on the west side of Lake Geneva were complaining about the scarcity of local doctors. In 1967, the major growth of the city of Geneva and the difficulties experienced by the increasing number of young doctors in finding a practice to work at led to a foundation being created. This enabled in particular the construction of Hôpital de La Tour. Officially recognized as a public utility in 2014, the Foundation has evolved over time and constantly tailors its activities to the needs identified. It raises funds that are used to finance projects for the benefit of both patients and healthcare professionals.
The Hôpital de La Tour Foundation supports projects in key areas:
- Medical research
- Quality and welfare of healthcare professionals
- Training and skills development
Some of these projects are initiated by the Hôpital de La Tour Foundation itself, but it also supports existing initiatives.
Donate in Total Confidence and Security to One of the 4 Pillars
Well, without research, there can be no progress in medicine! Contributing to advancements in medicine by way of clinical studies that result in scientific publications is essential. If this is something close to your heart, your donation could help finance research within Hôpital de La Tour and thus help with the monitoring of medical outcomes with a view to continuously improving care whilst also contributing to developments in the field of medicine.
If you cannot measure it, you cannot improve it. As a result, hospitals that put quality of care and patient safety first develop relevant quality indicators, regularly comply with these indicators, and achieve better outcomes. Are these subjects important to you? Then show your support via our Foundation!
Hôpital de La Tour is the largest private medical teaching center in Romandy. It is helping to train the next generation of physicians in state-of-the-art techniques. We also want to allow every employee at Hôpital de La Tour to grow their skill-set and thus achieve their full potential. Finally, we ensure that the working conditions are conducive to helping all our staff find balance and thrive. If you too believe that it is the training, skill development, and well-being of care staff that contributes to providing the best possible care to patients, you can make a donation to this endeavor.
Brief History of the Foundation
The Foundation attaches particular importance to ongoing monitoring of medical outcomes. It supports the training of doctors and care staff with a view to constantly improving patient care. Its vision is to always strive to do more and do better, both for patients and for healthcare teams.
These values are what unite all the members of the huge team—you might even call it a family—that is Hôpital de La Tour and its patients. Transparency, diligence, empathy, innovation, and progress are all values the Foundation undertakes to adhere to. Each of these contributes to guaranteeing excellence in every one of its decisions and actions.
The Foundation’s raison d’être is to achieve progress in medicine for all patients by ensuring the best possible working conditions for care staff. This means making sure care staff are happy and able to benefit from high-quality training and state-of-the-art equipment and that they have the opportunity, thanks to the Foundation, to carry out research alongside their day-to-day work with patients. In the context of an institution such as Hôpital de La Tour that fosters creativity, innovation, and leadership, this will inevitably improve the quality of care and boost medical advancements. Your donations will support projects that contribute to a better today and tomorrow for all.
These Projects Wouldn't Be Possible Without Your Donations!
How to Donate
La Tour is grateful for any donation, however big or small, and we thank you for your generosity! You might envisage donating to our Foundation for a number of reasons.
Thank You Donations
If you or one of your relatives has received treatment at Hôpital de La Tour and you were impressed by the attentiveness of our staff and the care they provided, you can show your appreciation by making a donation. We are always extremely grateful for such generous donations. For example, you can give people a boost and bring joy to many by contributing to the funding of projects in relation to the training and well-being of our healthcare professionals.
Donations in Memory of a Loved One
Losing a loved one can be an incredibly painful experience. If you are in this position, you may wish to express your appreciation to the medical and care staff who looked after your loved one or even contribute to medical research into cures that do not yet exist and may have been able to save them. This is a wonderful way of paying tribute to the deceased whilst also advancing research.
You can also honor the life of the person you have lost by suggesting that guests at their funeral make a donation to the Hôpital de La Tour Foundation instead of bringing the more traditional gift of flowers. You could mention this in their obituary or let people know in person.
Below you will find an example of some wording you could include in an obituary.
Below you will find an example of some wording you could include in an obituary.
Instead of offering flowers, we would like to request that you make a donation to the Hôpital de La Tour Foundation.
Account holder:
Fondation Hôpital Privé de la Tour
c/o Hôpital de la Tour SA,
Avenue Jacob-Daniel Maillard 3
1217 Meyrin
IBAN N° CH45 0483 5290 5868 6100 1
Clearing no.: 4835
Bequests: Giving Life after Death
You can make health your legacy by bequeathing some or all of your estate. In this way your generosity will live on, even after you have passed.
Writing a will makes life easier for those you leave behind and ensures that your wishes are respected.
You can make a bequest for a particular area you wish to support among our 4 key pillars. Alternatively, you can leave it to the Board of Trustees to allocate the funds where they are most needed.
We are of course here to support you and to discuss any decisions with regard to your will. Your wishes will be scrupulously respected. We also recommend that you seek advice from a professional in the field such as a notary or legal advisor in order to help you draw up your will and bequest.
Here is an example of some wording you can include in your will. However, we do advise that you have this checked by your legal advisor first:
“I bequeath/X bequeaths to the Fondation Hôpital Privé de la Tour in Meyrin (CHE-155.876.077) the sum of CHF X”.
Your bequest will allow us to keep innovating and look after our patients and care staff as best possible for decades to come.
We are at your disposal should you and your legal advisors wish to discuss the situation. If you have any questions or would like further information, please do not hesitate to contact us using the following email address: fondation@latour.ch
Board of Trustees
La Fondation est administrée par un Conseil composé des personnes suivantes :
Our Articles of Association
Articles of Association for the Foundation
Notre rapport d’activité 2023
When you support our activities, you can benefit from tax reductions. Namely, donations made to legal persons with their registered office in Switzerland that are exempted from tax because they take the form of a public service or utility are tax-deductible. The Hôpital de la Tour Foundation is one such public utility. Tax deductions for donations are capped at 20% of net income.
In tax law, a donation is the act of making a contribution in cash or in kind without asking for anything in return. Donations in kind are deductible based on their commercial value, which you must be able to provide evidence of upon request.
If you make a donation today, we will send you a tax receipt that you can submit along with your tax return.
To make a donation by bank transfer, please use the following account details for the Hôpital de la Tour Foundation:
Account holder:
Fondation Hôpital Privé de la Tour
c/o Hôpital de la Tour SA,
Avenue Jacob-Daniel Maillard 3
1217 Meyrin
IBAN N° CH45 0483 5290 5868 6100 1
Clearing no.: 4835
In order to request a tax receipt or if you have any other questions, please contact the Donor Service at fondation@latour.ch stating your donor number and/or your name and surname (or business name) and postal address.
Some Figures
The success of our projects is down to you. Every patient counts and every donation helps!