Caring for you as we would for ourselves


DIAfit is a highly-effective plan for patients with type 2 diabetes. This structured plan aims to introduce patients to physical activity and healthy lifestyle choices through the support and care of a specialist team within a dedicated facility.

Why choose DIAfit?

Physical activity plays a key role in our comprehensive care for patients with diabetes; it helps to prevent the medical condition from getting worse and helps to reduce the risk of developing diabetes complications. Regular physical activity is also beneficial for cardiovascular health and well-being.

How does the DIAfit plan work?

The DIAfit plan includes a specialised rehabilitation plan for people suffering from diabetes. This plan is suitable for everyone, whether you work or are retired.


Our highly-specialised DIAfit doctors will first assess if patients are eligible to take part in the plan and do not have any contraindications, such as chronic heart disease or diabetic foot ulcers and infections.

DIAfit rehabilitation plan for patients with diabetes

  • The initial plan offers a total of 36 physical activity sessions, broken down into three sessions a week, as well as interactive and informative workshops and classes led by a multidisciplinary team.
  • This successful plan is delivered in DIAfit-accredited centres across Switzerland.
  • Patients undergo thorough clinical assessments (biological parameters, motivation and physical condition) at the start and end of the plan.
  • All costs generated by doctor consultations, laboratory tests, physical activity sessions and workshops are charged by the DIAfit centre.
  • All services are covered by basic health insurance in Switzerland.

Physical activity sessions

  • Aquagym ( Hôpital de La Tour)
  • Indoor exercise classes  Hôpital de La Tour )
  • Nordic walking

These activities are also a great way to meet other people in the same situation.

This plan is supported by the Société Suisse d'Endocrinologie et de Diabétologie (Swiss society of endocrinology and diabetes), health insurance providers, pharmaceutical companies and the ‘Fondation pour l'amélioration de la qualité de vie des patients chroniques’ (Foundation for the improvement of the quality of life of patients with chronic diseases).

The secretarial office

Centre DIAfit-La Tour