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إننا في Hôpital de La Tour نعتني بصحتكم على أكمل وجه، وذلك من خلال تقديم مستوى الرعاية نفسه الذي نريد أن نتلقاه لأنفسنا ولمن نحب. ونتعاون جميعاً سعياً لتحقيق هدفٍ مشترك، ألا وهو:

“تمكين أولئك الذين يضعون صحتهم بين أيدينا واثقين بنا من تحقيق جودة حياة بأعلى مستوى.”

نقدم رعاية طبية تتسم بدرجة عالية من التخصص بجانب برامج مهيئة حسب الحالة تم تطويرها لتناسب احتياجات كل مريض وأسرته بشكل فردي.

يستفيد مرضانا من الرعاية الشاملة متعددة التخصصات، فضلاً عن الدعم الشخصي، وذلك بدءاً من مرحلة التشخيص ووصولاً إلى مرحلتيّ العلاج والمتابعة. وبفضل وجود فريق من المتخصصين الممارسين لدينا في نفس الموقع، فإننا قادرين على تقديم أفضل علاج ممكن لكل حالة بوجه خاص. فيضع فريقنا الذي يتميز بدرجة عالية من التخصص مسارات علاجية مخصصة في الطب الرياضي والعظام وعلم الأورام وطب السمنة وغير ذلك الكثير. وبالإضافة لذلك، فإننا نقدم أحدث برامج الوقاية من الأمراض والتي تحسن من صحة وعافية المرضى الذين يضعون صحتهم في المقام الأول.

إن ما يستثير دوافعنا هو الرعاية التي نقدمها والفارق الذي نحدثه في في صحة وجودة حياة المرضى.

> تفضّل بزيارة صفحتنا على الموقع حول الجودة والنتائج الطبية

خدمة طوارئ على مدار الساعة

وحدة رعاية مستمرة ووحدة رعاية مركزة معتمدتين

مركز طب رياضي متميز ورفيع المستوى

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Dr. med. Souheil Sayegh
Specialist in General Internal Medicine, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine
Dr. med. Souheil Sayegh specializes in general internal medicine, physical medicine and rehabilitation, and sports medicine. He is a member of the Swiss Medical Association (FMH).

On completion of his studies at the Université de Genève in 1995, specialized in sports medicine and became a member of the Swiss Sports Medicine Society in 1999. He completed his inter-university diploma in ultrasound of the musculoskeletal system at the Université Paris V in 2004 and became a member of the Swiss Society of Mesotherapy with an international diploma in mesotherapy in 2011. He went on to complete an inter-university diploma in sports imaging at the Université de Nancy in France in 2012 and became certified in issuing statements of fitness for work (Swiss Insurance Medicine) in 2016.

At Hôpital de La Tourhe mainly treats traumatic and non-traumatic skeletal pathologies (excluding wrist/hand pathologies) related to physical activities.

His field of expertise includes, among other things, the diagnosis of long-term pathologies where other treatments have failed, the administration of functional treatments, mesotherapy and glucose injections, platelet-rich plasma injections, and viscosupplementation, as well as the treatment of chronic back problems. His research is published in the National Library of Medicine with the titles “Effectiveness of a Group-Based Rehabilitation Program Combining Education with Multimodal Exercises in the Treatment of Patients with Nonspecific Chronic Low Back Pain: a Retrospective Uncontrolled Study (2022)” and “Time for Change: a Roadmap to Guide the Implementation of the World Anti-Doping Code (2015).”


PD Dr. med. Julien Renard
Urologist, Neuro-Urologist
PD Dr. Julien Renard has led an international lifestyle since childhood.

He attended secondary school in the United States (at the Lycée Français de New York).

Upon returning to Europe he studied medicine at the University of Turin in Italy, where he became a Doctor of Medicine, winning the Davide Teresio Zenone prize for academic achievement. He then began his clinical specialist training in Switzerland and worked as a resident at the Geneva University Hospitals. It was there that he completed his urological training, obtaining the title of FMH-accredited specialist and passing the examination of the European Board of Urology (FEBU). Once appointed chief resident, in addition to his general and oncology-related urology activities, he took on responsibility for functional urology, neuro-urology, and urodynamics. In June 2016, he became the first urologist in Switzerland to complete the FMH course in neuro-urology after completing a fellowship in Milan in the unit run by Professor M. Spinelli, pioneer of sacral neuromodulation, and at the Nottwil SPZ in the unit run by Professor J. Pannek.

In 2017 he was appointed chief physician and regional director for functional urology and neuro-urology, as well as deputy chief physician in the Urology Unit of the Hôpitaux du Tessin (EOC). He was actively involved in the creation of the Prostate Cancer Center of Italian-Speaking Switzerland, which subsequently obtained certification from the DKG as a center of excellence.

His areas of expertise are the management of urological cancers (prostate, bladder, and kidney), stone disease, functional urology, and neuro urology. Alongside his clinical activities, Dr. Renard is also active in the academic sphere. He has authored more than 60 publications in peer-reviewed journals. Dr. Renard is quadrilingual and has been invited to speak at a range of national and international conferences. He is a faculty member (Assistant Professor) at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Geneva (UNIGE) and for the ‘Master of Medical Science’ program at the Università della Svizzera italiana (USI).

Obesity and abdominal Surgery


Dr. med. Nicolas Dayal
Specialist in cardiology (pacemakers and defibrillators)
Dr Nicolas Dayal is a cardiologist who specializes in heart rhythm management, specifically cardiac device (CIED) implantation and follow-up (pacemakers, defibrillators, and loop recorders). He is a certified cardiac device specialist (level 2) by the European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA). He is also certified by the European Association for Cardiovascular Imaging (EACVI) for transthoracic and transoesophageal echocardiography.

He accomplished his full medical training in the Geneva University Hospitals, where he was a chief resident in both internal medicine and cardiology, before accomplishing a fellowship in cardiac device implantation at the University Hospital of Grenoble-Alpes, France, under the guidance of Professor Pascal Defaye.

He has been working at Hôpital de La Tour since 2017, where he is responsible for all CIED implantations. He opened his private practice on the campus in 2020. With his colleague Dr Park, he is co-chief of the heart rhythm department at Hôpital de La Tour, where over 1000 pacemaker/defibrillator recipients are followed, including over 250 by remote monitoring. He oversees over 250 procedures/year, using the most advanced technologies in his field.

He is lead or co-lead author of over 30 publications and scientific posters and acted as co-investigator for several large Swiss and European registries concerning Atrial Fibrillation. He is regularly invited as a speaker in Swiss and European cardiology congresses.

على العهد مع مر ضانا بتقديم

التميز الطبي ونهج مهني
استعادة جودة الحياة والحفاظ على الصحة
الطب الشخصي والرعاية الشخصية
أعلى معايير السلامة وأقصى مستويات الراحة

قم بزيارة إندماجية وتفاعلية لمستشفى Hôpital de La Tour

تمنحك هذه الزيارة الإفتراضية الفرصة لمتابعة رحلة رعاية المرضى الذين يخضعون للعلاج داخل مستشفى Hôpital de La Tour.

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Hôpital de La Tour

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يسرنا تقديم يد العون لك ونتطلع إلى التواصل معك قريباً

تتوفر لك فرصة تسجيل العديد من الطلبات أو تزويدنا بالمعلومات. لن نستخدم بياناتك الشخصية التي أدخلتها إلا للأغراض المذكورة من جانبك أو المدرجة أثناء التسجيل. وستُحذف بياناتك بعد ذلك في أقرب وقت ممكن ما لم نكن ملزمين قانونياً بتخزينها. وسيكون لك الحق دائماً في الحصول على المعلومات ومعرفة التعديلات والقيود وإمكانية نقل البيانات الإعتراض والمحو وسيحق لك في بعض الحالات تقديم شكوى إلى هيئة الرقابة المختصة. يجوز لك التراجع عن موافقتك في أي وقت من خلال التصريح بذلك عبر عنوان البريد الإلكتروني الآتي: pierre-vincent.heyraud@latour.ch

* الحقول المطلوبة

Hôpital de La Tour

3 شارع جیھ دي میلارد، میرین، سویسرا 1217

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