Non-mainstream practices, including traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), have been used more and more in Western countries over the last decade. Many health care facilities now offer integrative medicine services, with the scientific community generally being more receptive to TCM. As a result, it plays a new role in the medical practice within our hospitals and specialists work together to find a balance between scientific and TCM approaches.
Our services
Traditional Chinese medicine believes good health is achieved by harmony and balance within both the body and the environment around the body. Diseases are caused if this balance is disrupted by various factors, leading to an imbalance between yin and yang.
We deliver the highest standards of multidisciplinary and comprehensive care for your medical condition and general health by integrating TCM practices to support conventional treatment options.
- acupuncture
- electroacupuncture
- ‘Tui Na’ massage therapy
- herbal medicine, also called phytotherapy
- ear acupuncture, also called auriculotherapy
- cupping therapy
These practices mostly stem from TCM.
Areas of use
Traditional Chinese medicine practices offer preventive health care and also help to treat a wide range of medical conditions with very few side effects. TCM is used in various areas, including:
- pain management
- fibromyalgia
- sciatica and cruralgia
- post-surgical pain (including dental pain)
- chronic joint pain (osteoarthritis, inflammatory disease)
- migraines, trigeminal neuralgia, headaches
- chronic abdominal and pelvic pain
- post-herpetic neuralgia (shingles)
- cancer supportive care
- fertility treatment
- obesity treatment
- anxiety treatment
Multidisciplinary and comprehensive care
Patients benefit from the expertise of all our on-site specialists to ensure the best possible care for their medical condition and health. In integrative medicine, we work closely with specialists from a wide range of fields in conventional medicine, including:
Traditional expertise recognised by Chinese health authorities
The Dr Dong Clinic provides Swiss-standard TCM and acupuncture. It is supported by Chinese health authorities who are committed to promoting traditional expertise. Dr Dong is a highly-experienced traditional Chinese medicine specialist at Hôpital de La Tour.
French article in Le Temps newspaper: Un centre sino-suisse pour la médecine chinoise inauguré à Genève (A Sino-Swiss centre for Chinese medicine has opened in Geneva)