Caring for you as we would for ourselves

Pediatric surgery

Pediatric surgery is the surgical discipline that provides surgical care for medical conditions and injuries affecting children. At Hôpital de La Tour, we are proud to look after you and your child in a caring, specially-dedicated unit.

Our pediatric services

We deliver the highest levels of surgical care and post-operative follow-up for:

  • defects present at birth
  • medical conditions that develop after birth

We provide care and treatment for most systems and parts within the human body except the heart, brain, eyes and ears. These are treated by specialists at the Geneva University Hospitals (HUG) or by ENT (ear, nose and throat) doctors and ophthalmologists at Hôpital de La Tour.

In some cases, our care starts before your child is born, when we provide expertise and advice for treating defects and abnormalities detected on the ultrasound scan.

Why choose Hôpital de La Tour?

Multidisciplinary care

At Hôpital de La Tour, our multidisciplinary team of on-site specialists strive to deliver the best possible comprehensive care for your child and their health and well-being. We work closely with specialists from a wide range of fields, including:

Our inpatient unit

Our pediatric inpatient unit means that we can perform a wide range of procedures that are not available for outpatients.

Visiting our unit

You can arrange to visit the unit with your child before his or her procedure; our nurses would love to meet you and show you around.

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