Caring for you as we would for ourselves

MySki (Training plan to return to skiing)

The highly-skilled sports physicians at Hôpital de La Tour are by your side every season to help prevent skiing injuries.

Are you excited about winter and getting back on the slopes? Do you often find you start skiing again without taking the time to prepare your body for the physical demands and injury risks related to this sport? The sports medicine centre at Hôpital de La Tour is proud to offer highly-specialised care from a multidisciplinary team of experts.

Who is MySki for?

MySki is suitable for everyone, from beginners and recreational skiers to advanced skiers. This plan has also been specially designed for anyone who wants to get back into skiing after an injury, such as an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury or a broken arm or leg, under the medical guidance of a doctor and physiotherapist.

Why choose MySki?

Everyone has different goals:

  • Feel physically ready for the new season
  • Benefit from a plan that works and strengthens the muscles used in skiing
  • Overcome fears relating to the start of every new season
  • Return to skiing after an injury
  • Learn safe and effective training techniques for a successful return to skiing

Déroulement du programme

Encadrée par notre équipe d'experts, chaque séance sera constituée d'une partie de renforcement musculaire, cardio et stretching/mobilité

Tout au long de votre programme, vous aurez accès à des vidéos online de renforcement musculaire afin d'être en parfaite autonomie à votre domicile. Pour une prise en charge optimale, le programme se déroulera avant et pendant votre saison de ski.

Durée de chaque séance: 1h15

Nombre de séances: 10 

Nombre de participants par séance: 6

Attention: nous vous suggérons vivement d'arriver 15 minutes avant le début de la séance pour vous échauffer. 


Our experts

The sports medicine centre at Hôpital de La Tour offers you support and guidance from a highly-experienced team with extensive expertise in skiing. This specialist team includes sports physicians, sports physiotherapists and fitness trainers.

Our services

One weekly one-hour session in small groups for six weeks.

The plan includes:

  • Core conditioning
  • General physical training
  • Strengthening muscles used in skiing
  • Theoretical learning of key skills for skiing and injury prevention
  • Option to go out on the snow at the end of the plan with a physiotherapist ski instructor from Hôpital de La Tour for a smooth transition to the snow (additional cost)
  • A six-week personal online plan

Où est le lieu de rendez-vous?

Hôpital de La Tour, bâtiment B2
Salle de physiothérapie du sport
Plan d’accès
Téléchargez le plan de notre campus

Every season, over 600 people visit our highly-specialised sports physicians at Hôpital de La Tour for care and treatment relating to skiing injuries
Programme MySki

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